Friday, May 14, 2010

Return of the Blogger

Welcome back everyone !

The dim light has struck the devil’s workshop again who had been trying hard to dig some useful leisure pass time but was too lazy to write a blog. So more than a year has gone since I wrote my first blog (and the only one till about a minute ago) and it was so serious that the rest of my writing habits got lost in the seriousness of it. Result? The poor new blogging warrior got corrupted in his first adventure!

In all this year, I was waiting for one big miraculous ray of light that would guide my idle soul to the divine world of blogging again and I eventually found a lot of light bulbs that would heat up the big slim lazy me to write over, but my laziness turned out too lazy to be moved. First it was Pakistan winning the T20 Cup last year; I thought I should also stage a come back like the Men in Green. But that night, the whole nation was high seemingly on cocaine, not really though, and since I was on double dose, I was better off with flying than using my geniuses in writing a blog. Then like the Green’s form was short lived, my idea of blogging died too. Later, the poor being was reincarnated with the death of Michael Jackson and again I thought of writing a tribute to the King of Pop, my most favorite artist ever perhaps, but I thought it’s better to contribute more money to Google through YouTube than wasting time of readers on BlogSpot. I guess any of MJ’s performances will always be preferred on a tribute written for him on any random day. Though every dog has a day too, but then, I would like to be called a human being.

Last but not the least; it was Pakistan Cricket being crushed by the Kangaroo Army earlier this year which made me wonder if our boys were being mistaken for female Kangaroos in Australia? But then Afridi’s ferocious display of CanniBALLization haunted me for several nights. But as I digested what a friend of mine puts as “his appetite for cricket”, my idea of blogging got flushed too.

But in all these events, one thing was common. The result was out! The stress a student feels during the exam can never be retained after the result is out and actually this stress keeps you going. Specially, if you are a backbencher like me, you will fall asleep right after the exam and party until the next time you wake up for paper. So here I am, taken by the miracle of Pakistani team making into T20 worldcup semis despite all odds with thirst for the Cup still not over. The world is our canvas and so I am, all set again in my dimensions, to hit a brush over it.


1 comment:

  1. an excellent way showin how we have a tendency of mixing the randomness of events in our life which leads us to go on the back seat and let issues take the driving seat in our lives.
    a thought provoking blog
